
Zachary Bueltel: Tortured And Censored A Family To Conceal The Wuhan Lab Leak

Zachary Bueltel, who worked for Judge Leonardo Castro, the Chief Judge of Ramsey County, said that he could torture and coordinate censorship against whistleblowers to conceal the origins of the COVID-19 leak from the Wuhan Lab.

Between 2017 and 2022, Bueltel helped a covert Air Force Officer torture a whistleblower who had knowledge of the project by signing off on unconstitutional and unlawful judicial actions.

The Wuhan Lab was first funded by Eco Health Alliance, a CIA front organization with ties to the University of Minnesota.

As ProtestPress first reported in March 2022, the lab funding was channeled through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the US Air Force.

In December 2015, the Ramsey County District Court began issuing secret injunctions to prevent the whistleblower from revealing classified details of the program including the identity of covert Air Force Officers.

Dr. Andrew G. Huff, a graduate of a University of Minnesota PhD program, which he attended along side an Air Force Officer, worked for Eco Health Alliance in Wuhan, said COVID leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China two-plus years ago and blamed authorities for the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11.” 

“I was terrified by what I saw,” the Army veteran from Blaine, Minnesota said. “We were just handing them bioweapon technology.”

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The UK’s Sun reported that Dr. Huff had built a Machine Learning threat model for the Wuhan Lab through Eco Health Alliance, with intelligence funding through the University of Minnesota.

During 2015, legal representatives affiliated with the University of Minnesota, flowing through classified channels in an effort to hide the military source, engaged in a proxy legal dispute aimed at silencing a whistleblower.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), finally released long awaited documents publicly confirming the lab leak.

Bueltel has expressed no remorse for his conduct which includes inflicting a wholesale campaign of harassment and intimidation directed, in part, by Bueltel, at the Whistleblower and his family.

A member of the tortured whistleblowers family, a licensed attorney in Minnesota, who once held an identical position to Bueltel in Washington County, said that Bueltel’s actions are something that they “had never seen before” and warned that Bueltel intended to “destroy and ruin” the whistleblower in an attempt to silence them.

Similarly, Dr. Andrew G. Huff, made similar allegations that the US Military was engaging in harassment to prevent him from speaking.

Declassified documents, including the original grant proposal, providing DARPA funding to Wuhan is available below.

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