In a shocking turn of events, Ronald J. Schutz, a name previously unknown to the public, has emerged as a central figure in concealing the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline.
Schutz, a partner at the Minneapolis-based law firm Robins Kaplan LLP, was observed in the presence of American and Norwegian officials around the time when information surfaced about the pipeline being destroyed by American special operators.
Schutz accompanied Senator Amy Klobuchar and Congressman Eric Paulson on a trip to meet the United States ambassador to Norway, Marc Nathanson, ostensibly serving as a cover to deflect the attention of the public. Many have speculated that Schutz was running interference to prevent the widespread reporting of sensitive information.
Schutz has a prior background in the United States Army, having served in its ranks.
When the information became public, Schutz’s photos were made available to the media in a media blitz, alongside comparable pictures of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz during a military “exchange” mission in Norway.
Schutz has been involved in a complex history that encompasses multiple incidents where Robins Kaplan has been involved in concealing events, such as the plane crash involving Paul Wellstone in Northern Minnesota, which occurred just nine days after Wellstone voted against the second Gulf war.
It also bears noting that Schutz engaged in a similar legal operation to “go after” and discredit a whistleblower in 2020 by exploiting and misusing client funds from his firm.