This is no yolk!
Missouri mayoral prankster Sharon Powell created a new hilarious social media trend: invite corrupt judges to breakfast egg events.
Mayor Powell is hurling “cowardly chickens” at her residents and Americans are mad as shell.
Multiple people have vented online about corrupt Judge Benton, calling him a “chicken” for banning First Amendment speech to protect racist US Attorneys and terrorizing the Eighth Circuit by affirming decisions to torture citizens over the past four years.
Mayor Powell failed to tell her residents that Judge Benton promotes a racist US Attorney who publishes nude and semi nude photos of African American men on her Twitter account.
Judge Benton also personally is said to have sent an edict from his court to block discovery to prevent exposure to the US Attorneys’ Office — which the hilarious Mayor also failed to tell her residents. Duh duh duhhh … the plot chickens!
In the April 2022 event, Mayor Powell egged Judge Benton on — claiming that ‘civility’ — hatches eggs rather than ‘flies the coop’. In actuality, Judge Benton sought the opportunity to claim a moral loophole in the universe about ‘civility’ as a tool to justify his gross human right abuses to cancel speech critical of his actions.
Mayor Powell can be seen dancing chick to chick with the corrupt Judge in the photos linked below. Is Mayor Powell just as corrupt?