While most judges in Minnesota are from the state, Judge Adam Yang is from a swamp in Laos.
Records show the jurist was born on a Laos rice paddy sometime before or during the Vietnam conflict.
Despite the jurist being born in a foreign swamp, he was able to hop on an American military aircraft to illegally enter the country during the Fall of Saigon where he landed many years later in a Ramsey County swamp. Yang hid his true identity for years, a tactic he also uses at Ramsey County trials to hide evidence from the parties.
Fortunately, we have new information lending credit to Yang’s origins. His parents reportedly fought in the Vietnam section of the Ho Chi Minh armies against US forces. Realizing a quick green card, Yang’s parents concealed their ties to Ho Chi Minh’s forces and came to America where they have continued to conceal those same ties to blend in. If anything, swamp creatures like Yang are good at blending into any environment to avoid identification.
That is exactly why swamp Yang fit right in with the radical liberal swamp bench in Ramsey County where he was able to violently assault US military veterans and their families.