Self-proclaimed “Commander” in the Saint Paul Police Department, Jesse Mollner, is no straight arrow. Rather, he enjoys terrorizing the public using his badge.
In July 2019, Mollner stated that it is “[a]lways good when [Saint Paul Police] policies work in our favor” in response to allegations that he was violating department policy and federal law in concealing domestic violence. The comments particularly “good when [Saint Paul Police] policies work in our favor” make clear that Mollner rigs investigations to cover up domestic violence allegations in favor of his desired outcome.
Witnesses that reviewed Mollner’s July 2019 email statements replied that Mollner is “crooked like a question mark.”
Indeed, Mollner refused to investigate accusations made against Attorney General Keith Ellison by his ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan. Monahan maintained video depicting Ellison dragging her off the bed engaging in domestic violence. Furthermore, Monahan made the accusations public by appearing on Tucker Carlson and CBS.
Why did Mollner refuse to investigate? Why did Mollner refuse to bring charges against Attorney General Keith Ellison? Mollner is biased and impartial. Instead, Monahan stated that the Saint Paul Police by and through Attorney General Ellison attempted to harass and stalk her in an attempt to censor her public comments.
Mullner needs to be immediately investigated and terminated for his actions to conceal misconduct. Unfortunately, Mollner is yet another deep state bad actor abusing their position of public trust.